Thursday, 31 October 2013


"Demi buah tiin dan zaitun. Dan Gunung Tursina". (Surah at Tiin ayat 1 dan 2). Allah telah menyebut di dalam Al Quran berkenaan dengan buah zaitun. Ini menunjukkan buah zaitun juga memiliki banyak keistimewaan tersendiri yang jarang diketahui dan diselidiki.

Di dalam Al Quran, buah zaitun disebut sebanyak 7 kali di mana sebanyak 2 kali, ia di sebut bersendirian dan 5 kali lagi ia digambarkan dalam Al Quran bersama dengan buah- buahan lain seperti tamar, delima, anggur dan buah tiin.

Gambaran ini menunjukkan betapa banyaknya khasiat buah zaitun sepertimana buah- buahan lain yang mendatangkan kebaikan kepada kehidupan manusia sejagat.

Buah zaitun atau nama botaninya dikenali sebagai olea europea ditanam di kawasan Meditranean tetapi tempat penanaman yang paling utama ialah Sepanyol, Turki, Itali, Tunisia dan Morocco.

Di dalam surah an Nur ayat 35 juga Allah menyebut tentang buah zaitun yang mana ulama seperti Maulana Majid, Maulana Maudoodi, Maulana Usmani, Maulana Haqqani dan Abdullah Yusuf Ali memberi pentafsiran dan pandangan yang sama merujuk kepada tempat dan taburan penanaman buah zaitun.

Dunia moden pada hari ini, melalui kajian- kajian sains semasa mengiktiraf khasiat buah zaitun. Minyak zaitun mempunyai nilai yang tinggi dalam bidang perubatan.

Seandainya minyak zaitun diambil sebagai bahan makanan, ia bertindak sebagai penambah zat makanan, mencuci dan membaik pulih perut dan menjadi penawar racun.

Ia akan membantu pesakit gastrik dan juga yang mengalami kegagalan fungsi buah pinggang.

Jika minyak zaitun diambil sebagai sapuan luaran, ia bertindak sebagai pelicin dan pelembut kepada kulit yang mengalami ekzema dan psoriasis seterusnya dapat meremajakan kulit.

Menurut Tarmizi dan Ibn Majah, Nabi Muhamad SAW bersabda, " Makanlah minyak zaitun, dan sapulah kulitmu dengannya kerana ia datang dari pohon yang diberkati".

Dari sudut pandangan sains pemakanan, minyak zaitun mengandungi asid lemak tidak tepu yang dikelaskan sebagai "monounansaturated" yang mampu merendahkan kolesterol berbahaya di dalam darah.

Satu kajian yang telah dijalankan oleh pakar- pakar kesihatan di Institut Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Oxford melihat perkaitan antara kanser dan pemakanan seseorang. Didapati bahawa negara yang mengamalkan pengambilan daging yang kerap dan rendah dalam pengambilan sayur- sayuran mempunyai risiko dan kes penyakit kanser yang tinggi tetapi pengambilan minyak zaitun akan mengurangkan kadar kes tersebut.

Dalam Annals of Oncology (10 Januari 2005) menyatakan pakar- pakar sains mendapati diet Meditranean yang kaya dengan minyak zaitun akan mengurangkan risiko seseorang mendapat kanser payudara kerana kandungan ‘oleic acid' yang terdapat didalamnya.

Menurut Imam Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyyah, mutu minyak zaitun adalah bergantung kepada pokok yang mengeluarkannya.

Sebagai contoh, jenis yang terbaik adalah minyak zaitun yang dikeluarkan daripada buah yang masak, manakala minyak daripada buah zaitun yang belum masak adalah bersifat sejuk dan kering.

Buah zaitun yang telah masak ranum, lebih cenderung menjadi panas dan mengurai. Oleh itu, jika ia diproses menggunakan air akan menjadikannya kurang panas, bertindak dengan lembut dan lebih berkhasiat.

Walaubagaimanapun, semua jenis minyak zaitun akan melembutkan kulit serta melambatkan proses penuaan. Di samping itu, minyak zaitun dapat melawan racun di dalam badan dengan bertindak sebagai ‘laxative' dan menyingkirkan cacing di dalam badan.

Melihat kepada keadaan dan tahap kesihatan masyarakat kita sekarang, penyakit jantung yang dikenali sebagai pembunuh secara senyap semakin meningkat. Namun begitu, pengambilan minyak zaitun mungkin dapat mencegahnya kerana ia kaya dengan bahan ‘phenol'.

Bahan ini mempunyai bahan antioksidan yang tinggi di samping mampu mencegah proses radang dan pembekuan darah. Oleh itu, pengambilan minyak zaitun amat bermanfaat untuk mencegah seseorang daripada menghidapi penyakit jantung.

Di samping itu, mutakhir ini, manfaat minyak zaitun untuk kecantikan seringkali dihebahkan di dada akhbar mahupun media elektronik. Ini kerana, banyak syarikat kosmetik yang menggunakan minyak zaitun sebagai bahan asas ramuan dalam pembuatan barangan kecantikan.

Oleh itu, sememangnya kelebihan minyak zaitun tidak dapat dinafikan lagi.

Kelebihan minyak zaitun boleh dilihat dalam situasi yang paling dekat dengan kehidupan kita di mana penggunaannya sebagai minyak masak.

Walaupun banyak pendapat mengatakan bahawa makanan yang dimasak atau digoreng menggunakan minyak zaitun tidaklah sesedap makanan yang digoreng dengan menggunakan minyak kelapa sawit, namun ia ada kelebihan tersendiri dari sudut kesihatan.

Minyak masak selain yang berasaskan buah zaitun apabila digunakan berulang kali menyebabkan jumlah kolesterol teroksida dan menjadi tepu serta tidak elok untuk kesihatan.

Kesannya dapat dilihat apabila minyak tersebut memerangkap sisa makanan dan berubah warna dan bau. Namun berbeza dengan minyak zaitun kerana ia boleh digunakan berulangkali, tidak akan mengalami proses pengoksidaan dan menjadi tepu serta tidak akan berubah dari segi warna dan bau.

Setelah makan makanan yang digoreng menggunakan minyak zaitun, perut akan terasa ringan dan puas sehingga seseorang akan berhenti makan sebelum kenyang. Ini adalah kerana kesan daripada penguraian tenaga di hati oleh minyak zaitun yang mempunyai banyak kandungan zat yang bermanfaat.

Oleh itu, tidak dapat disangkal lagi akan keistimewaan buah zaitun yang daripadanya boleh menghasilkan pelbagai jenis barangan dengan teknologi yang ada pada masa kini untuk kegunaan ramai.

Sehubungan dengan itu, daripada

Abu Hurairah meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah bersabda " Ambillah minyak zaitun dan sapulah ke kulitmu. Ia membantu mengubat tujuh puluh (beberapa) penyakit dan juga Juzam (kusta).

Dengan ini, tidak hairanlah, ramai yang mengetahui akan kelebihan buah zaitun, memanfaatkannya sebagai bahan untuk kegunaan asas seperti minyak masak, minyak rambut, barangan kecantikan, sabun dan juga dijadikan sebagai makanan tambahan.

Justeru, khasiat yang terdapat pada buah zaitun merupakan anugerah Allah ke atas hamba- hambaNya yang amat bernilai untuk dimanfaatkan kerana bukan sahaja buah zaitun disebut di dalam Al Quran, malah pakar- pakar sains dunia juga mengiktiraf akan keistimewaannya.

Ditulis oleh Norkumala binti Awang. Posted in Artikel ,


Cardiovascular diseases are the top cause of death in the industrialised world. A host of studies have documented that arteriosclerosis is closely linked to eating habits, lifestyle and some aspects of economic development.
The progression of arteriosclerosis depends on many factors: the most important ones are high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and cigarette smoking.
"The lowest rates of death from coronary heart disease are currently recorded in the countries where olive oil is virtually the only fat consumed."
Professor Francisco Grande Covián


What is arteriosclerosis?

Arteriosclerosis is the condition in which cholesterol-rich patches (known as atheromas) deposit on the walls of the arteries. This stops blood from reaching the tissues and obstructs the functioning of vital organs, such as the heart and brain.


What are its consequences?

When the heart is affected, arteriosclerosis causes angina and heart attack and it increases the risk of sudden cardiac death. When the brain is attacked, cerebral thrombosis occurs, leading to muscular paralysis, loss of cognitive capacity and the risk of dementia.
The aorta and leg arteries may also be damaged, causing pain and difficulty in walking and the risk of necrosis and gangrene.
When a fatty patch bursts, for instance because of a rise in blood pressure, the small arteries in the patch also burst. This triggers a response where certain cells found in blood, known as platelets or thrombocytes, join together to form a thrombus or blood clot.
The blood clot travels through the arteries, but when it is larger than the vessel it causes blockage. Because blood cannot get through, the tissue or organ dies.


Olive oil and arteriosclerosis

It has been demonstrated that olive oil has an effect in preventing the formation of blood clots and platelet aggregation.
It has been observed that by avoiding excessive blood coagulation, olive-oil-rich diets can attenuate the effect of fatty foods in encouraging blood clot formation, thus contributing to the low incidence of heart failure in countries where olive oil is the principal fat consumed.


What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance contained in foods of animal origin. Diets containing a large amount of animal fats raise blood cholesterol level, which is one of the chief risk factors of cardiovascular disease.
Fats (triglycerides) and cholesterol are transported in the blood by lipoproteins. The cholesterol bound to low-density lipoproteins [very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL)] is atherogenic, damaging the vessel walls.

In subsequent stages, this may lead to acute heart attack. Such cholesterol is known as "bad cholesterol".
In contrast, the cholesterol bound to high-density lipoproteins (known as HDL-cholesterol) is called "good cholesterol" because it provides protection against the onset of cardiovascular diseases.

The high-density lipoproteins remove free cholesterol from the cells, then esterifying it and transporting it to the liver where it is eliminated with bile.


Olive oil and cholesterol

Olive oil lowers the levels of total blood cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. At the same time it does not alter the levels of HDL-cholesterol (and may even raise them), which plays a protective role and prevents the formation of fatty patches, thus stimulating the elimination of the low-density lipoproteins.
The beneficial effect of olive oil consumption with regard to cardiovascular disease has been demonstrated in primary prevention, where it reduces the risk of developing the disease, and in secondary prevention, where it prevents recurrence after a first coronary event.
At present, research is revealing the effectiveness of the Mediterranean diet in the prevention of secondary coronary events and the positive influence of olive oil on the depression associated with such events and on mood.

These findings are very important in view of the high incidence of depression in the modern-day world and the great risk it poses in recurrent heart disease.


What is diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is one of the leading health problems in the developed countries, and the sixth cause of death. It is one of the major metabolic diseases and it is potentially very serious because it can cause many complications that seriously damage health, such as cardiovascular diseases, kidney failure, blindness, peripheral circulation disorders, etc.
There are two types of diabetes mellitus:
Type-I or insulin-dependent diabetes, found in children and teenagers, and type-II or non-insulin-dependent diabetes, which appears in adulthood, generally from the age of 40 onwards.
Insulin is required to control the first type while the second, more frequent type is generally associated with obesity and does not call for insulin treatment.
Nowadays a person is considered to be a diabetic when, two hours after an oral overdose of glucose, he or she has a fasting blood sugar level of more than 126 mg/dl, or of more than 200 mg/dl in non-fasting conditions.
Glucose intolerance is a situation where a person has high blood sugar levels (between 110 and 125 mg/dl) without any clear signs of disease, but with a major risk of suffering from diabetes in the future.


Olive oil and diabetes

An olive-oil-rich diet is not only a good alternative in the treatment of diabetes; it may also help to prevent or delay the onset of the disease.
How it does so is by preventing insulin resistance and its possible pernicious implications by raising HDL-cholesterol, lowering triglycerides, and ensuring better blood sugar level control and lower blood pressure.
It has been demonstrated that a diet that is rich in olive oil, low in saturated fats, moderately rich in carbohydrates and soluble fibre from fruit, vegetables, pulses and grains is the most effective approach for diabetics.
Besides lowering the "bad" low-density lipoproteins, this type of diet improves blood sugar control and enhances insulin sensitivity.
These benefits have been documented in child and adult diabetes.


In human beings ageing leads to gradual structural and functional skin damage.

Skin tissue goes through a number of changes. Some of the chief ones are that the inner and outer layers of the skin (dermis and epidermis) grow thinner, elasticity is lost, the area joining the dermis to the epidermis becomes less cushioned, fibrosis occurs with the accumulation of collagen and the tissue is less able to fight against and repair damage.

External factors, such as the sun's rays, speed up ageing by generating free radicals. Though cells are equipped with mechanisms that neutralise their action, it is possible to reduce cell damage by using inhibitors that lower the risk. One such natural inhibitor is olive oil, whose lipid profile is very similar to that of human skin.

On top of polyphenols, olive oil has a large proportion of vitamins A, D and K, as well as vitamin E, the main source of protection against the free radicals that produce cell oxidation.

This makes it a good aid in specific therapies to treat skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis and seborrheic eczemas.

It has also been suggested that because of its pronounced antioxidant effect, olive oil could play a choice part in the prevention of continuous oxidation, one of the processes that influences the development of certain types of skin cancer. Vitamin E studies have begun, but these kinds of observations take a long time, which means that conclusive data are not yet available.

However, the theory is that oleic acid is believed to play a major part in counteracting continuous oxidation.



Olive oil is rich in various antioxidants (vitamin E, polyphenols, …) which play a positive, biological role in eliminating free radicals, the molecules involved in some chronic diseases and ageing, and in extending life expectancy, which has been demonstrated in several epidemiological studies.

Many ageing-related diseases are influenced by diet, in particular osteoporosis and deteriorated cognitive function.

What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a reduction in bone tissue mass that increases the risk of fractures. There are two types. Type I occurs in middle-aged, post-menopausal women and type II in the elderly.

Olive oil and osteoporosis
Olive oil appears to have a favourable effect on bone calcification, and bone mineralisation is better the more olive oil is consumed.

It helps calcium absorption, thereby playing an important part during the period of growth and in the prevention of osteoporosis.

Olive oil and cognitive function
Olive-oil-rich diets may prevent memory loss in healthy elderly people. Less possibility of suffering age-related cognitive decline has been observed in a study conducted on elderly people administered diets containing a large amount of monounsaturated fats, the case of olive oil particularly.

Exactly how large quantities of these fats prevent cognitive decline is not known. However, this effect is believed to occur because the monounsaturated fatty acids may help to maintain the structure of the brain cell membranes since the demand for these acids appears to grow during ageing.

The same study observed that the quantity of olive oil consumed was inversely proportional to age-related cognitive decline and memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.


As soon as we eat olive oil it has a number of effects all the way along the digestive system.

As far back as in ancient times it was recommended for assorted digestive disorders, and its beneficial properties are now being corroborated by epidemiological studies and a wealth of scientific data.

Olive oil and the stomach

When olive oil reaches the stomach it does not reduce the tonus of the muscular ring or sphincter at the base of the oesophagus.

Because of this, it reduces the risk of the flow or reflux of food and gastric juice up from the stomach to the oesophagus.

Olive oil also partially inhibits gastric motility. As a result, the gastric content of the stomach is released more slowly and gradually into the duodenum, giving a greater sensation of "fullness", and favouring the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the intestine.

Olive oil and the hepato-biliary system

One of the effects of olive oil on the hepato-biliary system is that it is a cholagogue, ensuring optimal bile drainage and full emptying of the gall bladder.

Another effect is that it is cholecystokinetic, i.e. it stimulates the contraction of the gall bladder, which is extremely helpful in the treatment and prevention of disorders of the bile ducts.

It stimulates the synthesis of bile salts in the liver and it increases the amount of cholesterol excreted by the liver.

In short, owing to its beneficial effect on the muscle tone and activity of the gall bladder, olive oil stimulates the digestion of lipids, because they are emulsified by the bile, and it prevents the onset of gallstones.


Olive oil and the pancreas

When consumed, olive oil produces a small amount of secretion by the pancreas, making this organ "work" little, but efficiently and enough to carry out all its digestive functions.

Olive oil is recommended in diseases where pancreatic function has to be maintained, such as pancreas failure, chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, malabsorption syndromes, etc.

Olive oil and the intestines

Owing to the sitosterol it contains, olive oil partially prevents cholesterol absorption by the small intestine.

It also stimulates the absorption of various nutrients (calcium, iron, magnesium, etc.).
Olive oil, therefore, is a fat that is digested and absorbed really well.

It has choice properties and a mild laxative effect that helps to combat constipation and bad breath.


Obesity is a major health issue in the West because people eat large amounts and get little physical exercise. Nowadays, in cities especially, people are adopting a sedentary, stressful life. Over half the population of some industrialised countries is overweight, leading to increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides, all factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

What is obesity?

 Obesity or overweight is when energy reserves, primarily in the form of fat, are excessive. It occurs when the amount of energy obtained through the diet is greater than the amount of energy expended. It is corrected by ensuring that energy expenditure (physical exercise, basal metabolic rate, etc.) is greater than energy intake.

A good weight-reducing diet should:

. provide less energy than is needed to maintain body weight; . supply adequate amounts of all the nutrients;

 . be acceptable, affordable and palatable.

Olive oil and obesity

Olive oil is a nutrient of great biological value. Like all other fats and oils it is high in calories (9 Kcal per gram), which could make one think that it would contribute to obesity.

However, experience shows that there is less obesity amongst the Mediterranean peoples, who consume the most olive oil.

It has been demonstrated that an olive-oil-rich diet leads to greater and longer-lasting weight loss than a low-fat diet. It is accepted better because it tastes good and it is a stimulus to eat vegetables.